Very happy to be chosen as one of this year’s “Top 200” entrants in Photolucida’s Critical Mass! Finalists named in October
Rust Belt Biennial
I haven’t entered any shows or open calls over the last two years as I have been devoting my energy to creating a cohesive body of work. However, Rust Belt Biennial, judged by Andrew Moore caught my eye and I was very happy to have been selected as one of the top 15 entrants. The image below will be shown in Wilkes-Barre from August 27-Oct 6. If you are in the area, please stop by and check out some great work.
My Other Life
My history monograph, "How the West Was Drawn: Mapping, Indians and the Construction of the Trans-Mississippi West" is now out with University of Nebraska Press.
In honor of EarthDay!, I offer this short piece of writing and images that were just published in Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective.
Paris Show
Excited to be asked to participate in the ImageNation photo show in Paris. If you are in the City of Light Nov. 10-12, stop by (and tell me how it looks).

Street Shooting in San Francisco
I had challenging and invigorating week in San Francisco working with Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb. It was a wonderful reminder that the only way to grow as an artist is to try new things.
Two New Shows
Pleased to announce that my images "Off Route 3" and Untitled (Cisco, TX) will be in The Quiet Landscape Show, curated by Jacob and Alissa Hessler and the 6th Annual International Photography Annual respectively.
Exhibition Lab Exhibition
Come see four of my pieces from "Searching for Home in Ohio" along with photographs from these wonderful artists, July 12- Aug. 12. Opening reception, Wednesday July 12, 6-8 pm. Foley Gallery 59 Orchard Street, NY NY.
Neighbors, 2017
Portals at PhotoPlace Gallery
Honored to have this image chosen by Aline Smithson for the Portals show at PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont.
Night Wandering
Searching for Home in Ohio (in Progress)
More Blue Hour
The Blue Hour
Ohio Wanderings
Feature in LensCulture
Very excited to have one of my portfolios featured in Lensculture. Much thanks to Laura Valenti for editorial help!
Eastern Ohio
Ever since I did my tour of the old Ohio Route 7 for the Ohio Guide Project, I have wanted to get back to the eastern part of the state where, as President Obama famously said, people "cling to their guns and religion." I drove out there a couple of days ago to take a few snaps.
Around Columbus
I have managed to get out and shoot everyday for the past two weeks. I am struggling to find clean, graphic landscapes now that that snow has melted, but I have taken a few interesting snaps.
Le Paysage Show at Darkroom Gallery
Hey Vermont Friends, I am excited to be part of Le Paysage Show at the Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction Vermont, curated by Sandrine Hermand Grisel. The show opens on February 2. Stop by and see some great work.
Untitled (Storage Units, Cisco, Texas) 2016
"Composed" Group Show, PhotoPlace Gallery
Honored to have had this image chose by the legendary photographer Sam Abell as part of the “Composed” show at PhotoPlace Gallery in my home state of Vermont. To see other selections, visit